Lone Wolf and Cub: Baby Cart in Peril

Lone Wolf and Cub Baby Cart in Peril Japanese or Kozure kami Oya no kokoro ko no kokoro, literally Wolf with Child in Tow The Heart of a Parent, the Heart of a Child, is the fourth in a series of six Japanese martial arts films based on the longrunning Lone Wolf and Cub manga series about Ogami Itt, a wandering assassin for hire who is accompanied by his young son, Daigoro.

Oyuki, a tattooed female assassin the renegade member of a daimyos personal bodyguard detail is killing every man that is sent up against her. Along with her deadly use of the short blade, she strips to the waist while fighting to reveal elaborate tattoos on her chest and back. On her front is a kintar grasping her left breast. A portrait of a mountain witch covers her back. She then cuts off her victims topknots, or chonmage, which brings dishonor to the dead man and his family.Ogami Itt, the disgraced former shoguns executioner, or Kogi Kaishakunin, is hired to kill Oyuki. He tracks down the tattoo artist, who explains that she was a fine woman who did not scream as he dug into her flesh with his needles. ........

Source: Wikipedia